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Annual Friendship Application

Friends of the Calaveras County Library (FOTCCL) exists to promote the services offered by our community libraries, actively providing support for each of the eight branches in the county system.


Friends (Members) give this support through membership dues, book sales, special events, recycling, donations and more ... Friends also volunteer their time to serve as board members, organize events, and help behind the scenes at library branches.


If you would like to become a new Friend or renew your Friendship of the Friends of the Calaveras County Library please choose your desired level of Friendship and fill out the form!


If you would prefer to download a membership form and mail the form with a check, please click HERE.


If you just want to donate to the Friends of the Calaveras County Library, Please click this donate button>

Bronze Level $20


Select A Friendship

Thank You for

Being a Friend!

Silver Level $35


Select A Friendship

Thank You for

Being a Friend!

Gold Level $100


Select A Friendship

Thank You for

Being a Friend!

Diamond Level $500


Select A Friendship

Thank You for

Being a Friend!

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